BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 1.1 Konsep Dasar Pengenalan Suara Diantara banyak komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh manusia, berbicara ( speech ) memberikan paling banyak informasi penting dan paling efektif dalam berkomunikasi. Informasi – informasi tersebut antara lain : gender, keadaan kesehatan, emosi, serta identitas pembicara. Pengenalan suara dapat dikategorikan menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu : speech recognition, speaker recognition, dan language recognition. Dalam tugas akhir ini hanya khusus membahas mengenai speaker recognition lebih spesifiknya lagi membahas tentang speaker verification. Speaker recognition adalah suatu proses yang bertujuan mengenali siapa yang sedang berbicara berdasarkan informasi yang terkandung dalam gelombang suara yang di- input -kan. Speaker recognition dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu : speaker verification dan speaker identification. Speaker verification adalah proses verifikasi seorang pembicara, d...
DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Data Flow Diagram (DFD) describes the system distribution into a smaller system. DFD allows the user to easily learn about computer and understand about worked system. DFD allows to learn new system are logically develop without consider the physically environment where the data flow (like by phone, mail, etc) or physically environment where the will be save (like file card, microfiche, hard disk, tape, diskette, etc). DFD is a tool used in methodology structured Analysis and design. CONTEXT DIAGRAM Context Diagram consists of one process to describe the system environment. It’s a highest level in DFD which is describes all the input into the system and output from system. System has a boundary which is to separate the system with the external entity. In context diagram there is no storage. Because context diagram are process to describe the system environment. ZERO DIAGRAMS Zero diagrams are describes the process of DFD. It gives a opi...
this is a little example for flexigrid with add and edit button. Original source code of flexigrid could be found at additional code that I have is : function test(com,grid) { if (com=='Delete') { if($('.trSelected',grid).length>0){ if(confirm('Delete ' + $('.trSelected',grid).length + ' items?')){ var items = $('.trSelected',grid); var itemlist =''; for(i=0;i<items.length;i++){ itemlist+= items[i].id.substr(3)+","; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "delete.php", data: "items="+itemlist, success: function(data){ alert("Query: "+data.query+" - Total affected rows: "+da...
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