the Secret (this is a secret to everything.. joy, health, money, relationship, love, happinese and everything you have ever wanted.)

this is a secret to everything.. joy, health, money, relationship, love, happinese and everything you have ever wanted.
the Secret is the answer to all that has been. All that is, and all that will ever be.

law of the attraction : focusing on what you want.

whatever it is you are feeling, is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming

what you think and what you feel and what manifests is always a match

you create your own universe as you go along

take the first step in faith. you don't have to see the whole staircase. just take the first step.

most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing

all that we are is the result of what we have thought
what this power is. I cannot say. All I know is that it exists.
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of lives coming attractions
(imajinasi adalah segala galanya. 
imajinasi adalah gambaran pendahuluan dari peristiwa hidup yang akan menjadi kenyataan. )
Wwhatever the mind of man can conceive. It can achieve.
(apa yang dapat dibayangkan manusia, dapat diraih)

You are the only one who creates your reality
(andalah satu satunya yang menciptakan realitas anda)

What you resist. Persists
(apa yang anda tentang akan semakin bertahan)

Everything in the universe is Energy.
All power is from within and is therefore under our own control
(semua kekuatan berasal dari dalam diri kita dan karenanya kekuatan tersebut adalah dikendalikan oleh kita)

Whatever you think you can or you can't, either way you are right 
(apakah anda berpikir anda dapat atau tidak dapat melakukannya, kedua duanya adalah putusan anda yang benar)


reference : the secret


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